Saturday, August 30, 2008

8/30/08: Patterson/Whaley Lake Loop * (15 mi, 1 hr 10 min )

...with some extras (note the map shows me doubling back -- helped link two pair of AT hikers who had gotten separated and couldn't find each other).

Wanted to do a short ride today in prep for a possible 80+ miler to Red Hook and back tomorrow or Monday.

584 miles to date.

Link to route

Friday, August 29, 2008

8/29/08, Pleasant Ridge-Sherman Loop (31.3 mi, 2 hr 20 min)

First time doing this route. And, finally got decent bike jersey (first ever non-Tshirt, real jersey in 27 years of serious riding), shorts, sunglasses, and new sunglasses-mirror (from Pawling Cycle and Sport). Felt very aerodynamic and spiffy.

Link to route

Wed. 8/27/08, Quaker Ridge Loop * (22 mi / 90 min)

Strongest I've felt all year, even was able to power up the final Harmony Hill Rd. / Mt. Tom Rd. combination all the way to the top. I'm wondering if it was the red meat had at Mom's house on Tues night and Wed lunch, first time in months.

Link to route

Sunday, August 24, 2008

8/24/08: Sherman-Wingdale Loop (31.3 miles / 2.5 hours)

Including the infamous Kirby Hill Rd., 5 min of barely turning the chainrings in lowest gear.

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8/21/08: Birch Hill / Quaker Hill Loop (18.6 mi / about 1:45)

Really a tough climb the last half mile or so of Birch Hill Rd. up from 22.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

466 miles so far this season

So I don't have to calculate it again from the beginning.

Sun. 8/17/08, Millbrook-Dover Plains (50 miles, 4 hours)

With a few breaks. Had a delicious raspberry scone fresh out of the oven at the Best Creations Bakery in Millbrook, the baker said she had picked the berries in her own garden.

Longest ride so far this year. Perfect day, gorgeous weather.

Link to route

Kind of a funny story:

I passed an older rider south of Dover, about here. He was wearing a Siena (Italy) jersey, with a white beard. I greeted him, passed him by and rode on another few miles. Then I saw him again here. He was stopped and looking at a map. I kind of wondered how he had gotten ahead of me, but I don't know that area so well and figured he took some straighter road and passed me. So I rode by him, and rode on a bit farther. I sat down to take a short rest on the steps of the Wingdale Library. He rode up after a
while, and stopped at the intersection of NY 22 and 55 there to look at a map. He looked a bit puzzled so I rode up and asked him if he needed directions anywhere, and he said "to Pawling!", so I offered to ride with him for a while as I was also going that way. We rode together for a few miles along West Dover Road (a beautiful ride), talking. After a while I asked him how he got ahead of me, if he had taken some straighter road, and he said he had no idea since didn't know the area at all. So I jokingly asked him if he had a twin brother wearing the same jersey. He said yes, one of his friends that looks kind of like him was in the same group and in fact wearing the same Siena jersey! So it was in fact two completely different people.

Sun 8/10/08, Quaker Ridge Ride (21 mi / 2 hrs)

Left this out last week.

Link to route

Sat. 8/16/08, Extended local loop (10.5 mi, 1 hr)

Waited out a couple of rainstorms and it got late in the day (did this around 6pm), but a nice ride anyway.

Link to route

Sunday, August 10, 2008

August 9, 2008 - Foster Loop (26.7 miles, 2 hrs)

Starting and ending in Putnam Valley. Nice ride, fair # of climbs.

Link to route

Monday, August 4, 2008

Kent loop variation (42.9 mi / 3 hrs excluding breaks)

Beatiful cool summer day, though I did get rained on a few drops. Took a variation on other Kent ride. Bulls Bridge Road going west from South Kent Road climbs over a ridge, worth remembering.

Link to route